RiveStateMachineInput Class Reference

#include <rivestatemachineinput.h>

Inherits QObject, and QQmlParserStatus.

Detailed Description

Interface for binding QML properties to Rive's state machine.

The RiveStateMachineInput bridges QML and Rive's state machine. This utility enables dynamic interactions with the animation state machine using QML.


Direct Property Bindings

Create an instance of RiveStateMachineInput and set its properties. These properties will automatically be matched to their corresponding names in the Rive animation state machine, considering exclusions from the reserved word list.

The property names in QML should be the same as those in the Rive animation, excluding the names listed in reservedWords.
stateMachineInterface: RiveStateMachineInput {
signal triggerName() // Corresponds to Rive's trigger
property real level: slider.value // Matches Rive's input
property bool onOff: button.checked // Matches Rive's input
property bool status // Matches Rive's input
A quick item for Rive-based animations.
Definition: riveqtquickitem.h:50
Interface for binding QML properties to Rive's state machine.
Definition: rivestatemachineinput.h:150

To invoke the trigger in the above example from QML, you can call triggerName signal:


String Interface

This approach uses string names to access the properties and triggers in Rive's state machine, providing flexibility and dynamism.

Repeater {
model: riveItem.stateMachineInterface.riveInputs
delegate: Button {
id: buttonDelegate
text: {
if (modelData.type === RiveStateMachineInput.RiveTrigger) {
return modelData.text
if (modelData.type === RiveStateMachineInput.RiveBoolean
|| modelData.type === RiveStateMachineInput.RiveNumber) {
return modelData.text + ": " + riveItem.stateMachineInterface.listenTo(modelData.text).value
onClicked: {
if (modelData.type === RiveStateMachineInput.RiveTrigger) {
if (modelData.type === RiveStateMachineInput.RiveBoolean) {
Slider {
id: slider
visible: modelData.type === RiveStateMachineInput.RiveNumber
anchors.fill: parent
from: 1
value: riveItem.stateMachineInterface.listenTo(modelData.text).value
to: 100
stepSize: 1
onValueChanged: riveItem.stateMachineInterface.setRiveProperty(modelData.text, value)
id: riveItem
currentArtboardIndex: 0
currentStateMachineIndex: 0

Here, riveItem.stateMachineInterface.riveInputs provides an array of JS objects, each having the format { text: "propertyname", type: RivePropertyType }. The possible RivePropertyType values are:

  • RiveNumber
  • RiveBoolean
  • RiveTrigger

Reserved Words

The following words are reserved and cannot be used as property names in QML for matching with the Rive animation state machine:

  • await, break, case, catch, class, const, continue, debugger, default, delete, do, else, export, extends, finally, for, function, if, import, in, instanceof, new, return, super, switch, this, throw, try, typeof, var, void, while, with, yield, enum, implements, interface, let, package, private, protected, public, static, riveQtArtboardName, riveInputs.